Thursday, December 29, 2011

In the year 2012.

The end of yet another year is approaching us, like a friend in little kitten heels at a New Year's Eve party. As usual, we are pledging to become better versions of ourselves, staring into mirrors before going out, willing beauty into our features. Soon, some of us will start a diet. Others will end one. And most won't even attempt it, remembering last year's failure.

It's time to put away old things, those Christmas sweaters, for example, and don all those clothes you bought during the holiday--that gingham scarf from H&M, or that knit top from Forever 21. The winter will be cold and since it's 2012, you'll have to be more mindful of what you're wearing at any given moment. The apocalypse is happening after all, and you don't want to die wearing a fanny pack, do you?

Predictions: Next year will be a monumental one for fashion. Michelle Obama's high-brow aesthetic will take prominence again with the presidential election (not to mention our increasing obsession with the royal couple overseas). And somehow, being 2012 and all, a refined form of grunge will find it's sloppy way into our closets. Yes, I can see it all now.

Whatever happens, remember to enjoy yourself. Dress well and prosper.